We eat a lot of tacos, enchiladas, and other Mexican style dishes at our house. Mostly because everyone in the family gobbles it up without any complaints. I get a lot of taco seasoning for cheap, as there are often Taco Bell or Ortega coupons that deduct most of the cost. However, if those coupons should stop becoming available, I think I will try the recipe at this Smashed Peas and Carrots blog.
It really couldn't be any easier. I have all these spices on hand already, so all I need is a container and my measuring spoons (and a label, because I might forget what it is). And the benefits are that there aren't any added ingredients I don't know about in the seasoning, and she claims it tastes better. She says 2 Tablespoons of this mix replaces a packet of seasoning.
Now I'm curious what other packet recipes are certainly out there!